We have dozens of references from many different kinds of projects. We'd like to provide you with the best references based upon your own project needs. Please call or email us and tell us what you have in mind and we'll give you as many references as you'd like - relating to the type of project you want to complete.
Basement Project - The Powell Residence
Sunroom Addition - The Adams Residence
Recreaction Room Addition - The Santo Residence
Roof Alteration - The Wilcox Residence
Kitchen and Addition - The Martin Residence
Kitchen Remodel - The Hall Residence
(Many more testimonals are available upon request)
Interviewing References
What questions should you ask?
Better Business Bureau
40 West Fourth Street, Suite 1250
Dayton, OH 45402 (937) 222-1534
NARI (National Association of the Remodeling Industry)
136 South Keowee Street
Dayton. OH 45402 (937) 222-NARI (6274) |